Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Getting Ready

Well we are getting ready. Today went and got tool...towel...tule....ah ...tule thats how you spell it I think.
I am making mosquito netting...I'm hoping it's cheaper than buying a new mosquito net...mine is in storage somewhere.

And yesterday I splurged and got a new pack, a pair of badly needed shoes, and sandals...2 pairs, one for Angel.
Her's are a very pretty blue pink...Good shoes are very important...and our timing is great as it's end of summer and sandals are all on sale. I did good too with the pack. I got it all at MEC.

So we've got reservations in Cancun. It's so exciting. I can't wait. Well I can, we have a lot of things to get done...but were getting there. Tomorrow we are taking the last of our stuff to storage

I have to make up a bunch of Angel Cards and Angel blog cards.

I got a great deal on art supplies yesterday and got a bunch of little watercolour and acrylic paper pads, and a starter acrylic kit and it was all on I lucked out. Last time in Pochutla I couldn't get any good paper and that was disppointing but I made the best of it.

I'm looking forward to drawing and painting with Angel in the Jungle and on the beach...

I'm trying to be very careful with our money as the dollar is not doing well...Please Please lets be positive it's going to get strong like last year. Let's be Positive People...

Well it's going to be a great trip no matter what...just might not be able to stay as long... But like I said "Lets stay positive!"

Getting ready for a big trip takes so much planning...I had my nose in the Lonely Planet Mexico Book for like 4 days...and my butt was so from reading so much...but it pays off to be on top of it all.

Anyways, I'm stocked up now...just need to fit it all in the pack....

That's the other hard part...keeping it all light...and still have a hand free for Angel.
We pray the angels fly with us where ever we are...and we know they will. We hope you'll send your positive thoughts and prayers with us.

Well the Angel here wants on the computer and is kicking me off...I'll write more about our adventures soon. She like to play with the fairies.