Friday, October 31, 2008


Hey Just wanted to show off the new website I created for a very talented musician and good friend, Macarldie. Please Check it out and order a Cd. He's got some great tunes. He's from Tortola originally, and currently based in Florida. He is a contemporary jazz musician fusing jazz, caribbean, funk and rock & roll.

Happy Halloween.

All Hollows Eve!

Thanks Daniel de Shambhala!

Daniel has sponsored us for $20.

For that we happily post his name, photo and biz logo (Vision Hand)

and we will send him a postcard from Cancun next week when we land!!!

Yeah! Thanks y gracias amigo. Tu es muy amable!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sunny Sunflowers

Last year when we lived in Nelson we had the most beautiful sunflowers. These sunny days remind me of those lovely fall days up there ....I remember how we had gone to the coast for my mom's memorial and when we came home our sunflowers had leaped like 2 ft or was incredible. It was a Wonderful sight to come home to.

lavender, colds and eye sty

Oh my gosh, one of my big worries, I know I must be positive, but this haunts me a am I going to run out of lavender. I can only bring so much,...I hope i can find it there...but I use it for everything...yesterday I felt a sty coming...the cold wind seems to cause them...anyways...washed my face with a cloth dip in lavender and water...and viola...all better...

Today Angel has a bit of a cold...but I know between lavender and eucalyptus it will be fine.

And mosquitos...I know I'll be going thru a lot ...I still have to make a lotion...

Lavender, lavender, day...we are going to have a huge lavender field/garden...

and it will be so lovely. Please me out. I'm projecting. :)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Trial Pack

Usually I pack and repack a few times for these trips.
This is the longest that I have ever gone on...3 months has been my max.
So 5 months makes a difference...
And now that Angel is with me...well it's alot more than I thought.
I know from when we made the dozen or so trips from Nelson and back...there was always alot..
because of toys...but this time it's different.
I need to take some books for her, and some school work stuff..and I need our art supplies...
and we need to dress for some different gets cold at night in the mountains like in San Cristobal
and well when I went to Acapulco in Sept once there was like 3 inches or more of water running in the streets,
during a down we need to prepare for that.

We watched Willy Wonka..."So little to do, so much time...strike that so much to do, so little time"
then count down is really on us now...and Halloween falls in we have to deal with that.

Oh it's getting so exciting...
And the latest is we might have a place to housesit for a few that's really exciting.

It was a beautiful day today, we had a really nice walk on the beach and the sunset was stunning. It's cool out but it's been really an awesome autumn.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Angel's Art

She's a very talented kid....says Me! The Moma!

She did these on the computer in a program called Paint!

Couch Surfing
Found the coolest website last night. Couchsurfing. What an awesome concept.
Check it out!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Getting Ready

Well we are getting ready. Today went and got tool...towel...tule....ah ...tule thats how you spell it I think.
I am making mosquito netting...I'm hoping it's cheaper than buying a new mosquito net...mine is in storage somewhere.

And yesterday I splurged and got a new pack, a pair of badly needed shoes, and sandals...2 pairs, one for Angel.
Her's are a very pretty blue pink...Good shoes are very important...and our timing is great as it's end of summer and sandals are all on sale. I did good too with the pack. I got it all at MEC.

So we've got reservations in Cancun. It's so exciting. I can't wait. Well I can, we have a lot of things to get done...but were getting there. Tomorrow we are taking the last of our stuff to storage

I have to make up a bunch of Angel Cards and Angel blog cards.

I got a great deal on art supplies yesterday and got a bunch of little watercolour and acrylic paper pads, and a starter acrylic kit and it was all on I lucked out. Last time in Pochutla I couldn't get any good paper and that was disppointing but I made the best of it.

I'm looking forward to drawing and painting with Angel in the Jungle and on the beach...

I'm trying to be very careful with our money as the dollar is not doing well...Please Please lets be positive it's going to get strong like last year. Let's be Positive People...

Well it's going to be a great trip no matter what...just might not be able to stay as long... But like I said "Lets stay positive!"

Getting ready for a big trip takes so much planning...I had my nose in the Lonely Planet Mexico Book for like 4 days...and my butt was so from reading so much...but it pays off to be on top of it all.

Anyways, I'm stocked up now...just need to fit it all in the pack....

That's the other hard part...keeping it all light...and still have a hand free for Angel.
We pray the angels fly with us where ever we are...and we know they will. We hope you'll send your positive thoughts and prayers with us.

Well the Angel here wants on the computer and is kicking me off...I'll write more about our adventures soon. She like to play with the fairies.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Playing Princess

Here's Angel playing in her Princess Outfit. It will be the last time for a while.
There's only so much we can bring...but we will find other ways to play and make good use of our time. Today I bought some nice paper and paints and I'm looking forward to making some lovely art.
This other photo will be great for the princess theme, I'm limited on time but later I have some great idea for these
this last photo is a great house where we are looking forward to getting scared...It's always very spooky.
Speaking of spooky...check out this little video

Pretty Fall Day at the beach

Monday, October 20, 2008

A New Pack

I have to get a pack...and new shoes, and Angel needs shoes. We were going to go out this morning but it was pouring. Nice now, but I'm doing laundry.

I reserved our room for when we land in Cancun. I sure love the internet. It makes communication so much easier. I think we will only stay about 2 nights and then go to Merida.

I would love to go down the coast and explore more, but our budget is limited. Only thing is with everything growing so might be a while before we are back and a lot will have changed.

But we are on a mission..and so I think will stick with the itinerary I've figured out so far.

I'm using a different computer...and my pics are on the camera which I need my computer later I'll put up a bunch more.

Well thats all for now.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Lost her first tooth!!

Big day at our house yesterday!!
Angel lost her first tooth!!
So exciting and something very symbolic and special to me.

Yesterday was 35 years since my dad passed away.
I had promised myself that if the weather was nice we'd take the bus to Hope and put flowers on the grave. I been drying them all summer, every little bouquet I collected I would put in this special box.

But alas just as I was chastising myself for not going...and well I was actually writing in my journal apologizing to Dear Daddy...when Angel burst into the livingroom..."I lost my tooth!!" What could be more special and memorable to mark such a wonderful event.

I felt my dad was saying "Don't worry about it!" I'm right here and I know.

So it was a very special moment!

And then when Angel took her nap...the Toothfairy came and left her a $1 and she was very happy.

It was a very nice day!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Ta da!! All done work now...

Yeah, now I'm finished work and can just focus on all the last minute things.
Lots to do but it will all work out. Angel's getting very excited...first we need to get thru Halloween. She has her costume...really cute...she's a bug.

Well it's a very nice fall I better get to it.

Fall Leaves

Monday, October 13, 2008

61 hours

That's about how many hours we will be riding buses if all goes to plan.
Thing about a trip like this is that anything can happen, so it's more of a research everything well and then go with the flow.

I bought the Lonely Planet Mexico, and I've had my nose stuck in there for the last 4 days.

My back is aching...the warm weather will be nice not to have to shovel snow all winter.

Well not long now, just a few more days of work and then we still have things to get I need a nice light pack and Angel and I both need shoes.
And I'm going to pick up some material for mosquito netting...I can buy some there but it might not be as fine as I like.

Others things we are going to do are:
* make a bunch of natural bug repellant.
* buy a bunch of batteries, and cd's to burn photos to.
* find nice fleece jacket and rain coat for Angel.
* get a nice light sleeping bag
* get a Spanish Language Cd's-we just found a free Cd that's great.

It's going to tough keeping things light and simple but it has to be.
Lots of planning.

Today is Thanksgiving! Thank you God and Universe for this wonderful trip.
Special Thanks to Eva and Casey for your support.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Mexican Paintings

I sure am looking forward to the beautiful inspiring scenes and being able to paint again. It's been a long time.

You can see more of Tina's artwork from Zipolite here.

The Bee Charmer