Oh my gosh, one of my big worries, I know I must be positive, but this haunts me a bit...is am I going to run out of lavender. I can only bring so much,...I hope i can find it there...but I use it for everything...yesterday I felt a sty coming...the cold wind seems to cause them...anyways...washed my face with a cloth dip in lavender and water...and viola...all better...
Today Angel has a bit of a cold...but I know between lavender and eucalyptus it will be fine.
And mosquitos...I know I'll be going thru a lot ...I still have to make a lotion...
Lavender, lavender, lavender....one day...we are going to have a huge lavender field/garden...
and it will be so lovely. Please universe...help me out. I'm projecting. :)