Sunday, December 14, 2008

Mazunte Cosmeticos Naturales

Angel has been battling a bad rash. I thought it was heat rash, but i think now it was a combo of that and soap allergy. we went to the Mazunte Cosmeticos Naturales and got some lavender and calendula cream and manzanilla soap and she is doing much better. I put the cream on everytime she dries 3 times the first night. and a couple of times during the day and i put the lavender on top of that and we wash our hands and especially her nails, she loves to play in the sand and dirt...her bottom is always filthy from playing in the dirt. Anyhow she´s getting much healthier. she was all white where the tan wore off on the insides of her arms and backs of legs. Not to pretty, but she´s on the mend. Lavender is so awesome, anti bacterial, anti fungal, anti viral and something else. I love love love it. I go crazy when i run out. but we are good again, except it wasn´t the 100% pure lavender. I need to get some so who ever comes down please buy a bottle of aromaforce lavender and eucalyptus and bring them to me.
This week and until the end of December it will be get really busy here as all the people from Mexico city come for a holiday. but after it will calm right down. Apparently the last four years there haven´t been a lot of tourist because of the problems in Oaxaca City but it´s totally fine come on people, come visit´s gorgeous here.
Check out Flight Centre, there are no sales right now but check in January...i bet there will be.
Anyways that´s all for now. Muchos besos to my familia y amigos.