(Little update on videos below.) The one with Angel crying is because we were promised a window seat, and then we got one, but there was no actual window. How do you explain to a 6 year old, tired from a huge journey there's nothing you can do. The stewardess tried to help and we asked this lady, but she was very disturbed and said "No, I specifically reserved this seat!" In the end she changed but only if I promised to keep Angel quiet, which of course she was, she's a very good girl and good traveller. Three people, everyone in the row behind us changed...it was very sweet, but one reasone I know the middle lady changed, was because there was a child behind her(later me) kicking the seat. Anyways all was well in the end. (Actually every time we watch this we laugh so hard...So times the best way to debrief a situation I have found, is to record it and let her watch it...we always get a big kick out of it!!!)
The other videos are of Angel playing in a sack, that we would use to take home our stuff because I didn't have money for another suitcase. It worked really well, just an old sugar sack, but I was so pleased to get it. I was worried how I was going to manage, as Angel insisted we bring all her treasures, & toys from Mexico.The other is a birthday party we went to ...that was very nice, but foot was really bothering me, and I got sick after, not sure if it was the pain or medicine or what.
Galo y Lupita singing to Flo on her Birthday! It's to dark to see, but it sounds real pretty.
The boogie board was a huge dilemma and ended up costing more than the pric