Some dogs here, their life is so sad, for example we know two really nice dogs, they live outside our friends house, they think they belong to this Mexican family, but they don{t. This family already has 3 lovely dogs, and takes their care very seriously and love their dogs very much, they can not afford anymore dogs. But their dog is nice to these 2 dogs and pretends to chase them away, but of course the one family dog is much to kind and nice so the 2 dogs stay, but their life is not nice as the pee and poop on the owners property and the family does not want to clean up after 2 extra dogs. So these 2 lovely dogs need homes. If you know of a family that wants to adopt them let us know. There are other similar dogs here...nice dogs...just need a home.
I am going to start an adopt a dog blog maybe.
Its is hard, Angel loves the dogs, but i tell her if she is very nice to them they will be so sad when she leaves and also then they hang around and they get in trouble for hanging around. Poor pups!!
On a positive note, they have neutered lots of animals here and so there should be less of this problem.
Its so sad, there is one dog here...her name is Bones...and really that{s all she is...a little sack of bones...we always think this is her last day...but she is still around...